PlumbLeak News Blog

From category archives: Plumbleak News Blog


Solar Geyser Installations – Taking Advantage of the Summer Sun

There are many amazing benefits of choosing solar geyser installations to heat your household water.

The most notable advantage of using a solar water heater is the opportunity to save significantly on your monthly energy costs.

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Geyser Problems - How to Know if Your Geyser is too Hot

When you think about geyser problems, it’s likely that your first thought is of a burst geyser or one that doesn’t heat your water sufficiently. What many homeowners don’t think about is whether or not their geyser is too hot, because after all, providing hot water is the main purpose of a geyser. So, you might be wondering why an extremely hot geyser should be classified as one of the potential geyser problems you might face as a homeowner.

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Low water pressure in the home? Here are some of the reasons why

No one likes a low water pressure shower or bath. We all want to be able to turn on our taps and have the perfect amount of water pressure released every time.

Perfect water pressure is the dream and it shouldn’t be unachievable. Our plumbers in Durbanville have seen it all and we know a thing or two about why your pressure just ain’t right.

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7 Most common household plumbing problems in South Africa

Do you have a plumbing problem? Are you looking for the best plumber Brackenfell and surrounds have to offer?

PlumbLeak Cape are plumbers based in the northern suburbs of Cape Town and specialise in minor or major plumbing problems as well as leak detection.

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